A global network of professionals supporting freedom and democracy in Hong Kong.
Founded in 2019, HKPN is dedicated to help diasporic Hongkongers to advance their careers.
We routinely host networking events and career workshops and provide job referrals.
Today, we have more than 4,000 members from a wide range of industries across the globe.
Together, we continue to amplify the voice of pro-democracy Hongkongers eveywhere.
Help Hongkongers.
Curious about what’s new in your industry? Or need helps with internal referral? Simply ask in our members-only channels.
Hire Hongkongers.
Whether you are hiring for you team or simply want to share an opportunity from your network, we can help you to find the right talents.
Connect Hongkongers.
Our members meet both virtually and physically in a regular basis. Recently, through collaborations with local organizations, we help setting up Hongkonger Community Centers at major cities including Austin, Maryland, New York San Francisco and Toronto.